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Ivanka is “helping to manage” nomination processes

Ivanka is “helping to manage” nomination processes

by digby

I’m not sure what that means exactly. But the quotes in this report prove to me that she was almost certainly actually being considered:

White House adviser Ivanka Trump is going to help pick the new World Bank president, but she herself is not under consideration for the position, the White House said.

Trump will work with Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney to help manage the U.S. nomination process, according to the statement, which said it was “false” that she was under consideration for the role.

“Secretary Mnunchin and Chief of Staff Mulvaney have asked Ivanka Trump to help manage the U.S. nomination process as she’s worked closely with the World Bank’s leadership for the past two years – however, reports that she is under consideration are false,” White House spokeswoman Jessica Ditto said in the statement.

The Financial Times last week reported Trump was one of multiple possible contenders for the U.S. nomination.

The report sparked backlash from multiple lawmakers and public figures, including Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Democratic mega-donor Tom Steyer, who claimed the move would be an act of nepotism.

Ivanka has been working with the World Bank on a woman’s empowerment fund. It has been controversial because of her massive conflicts of interest, but she managed to finesse them and her initiative is considered, on the whole, a positive program.

None of that means she is qualified to run the World Bank. And her leading role in a fraudulent international real estate con known as The Trump Organization, makes her impossibly exposed to blackmail. So it’ a ridiculous notion. But it isn’t the first time her name has been floated for a big job like that.  Someone clearly has the ability to tell Trump that he can’t promote his daughter to UN Ambassador and President of the World Bank. I wonder who that is?


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