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Why is he wearing an overcoat in the White House?

Why is he wearing an overcoat in the White House?

by digby

Trump had the Clemson football players to the White House. He served them junk food from Wendy’s and McDonalds. He tweeted that he assumed it was their favorite food.

You may think this is cheap and classless. But remember. This is how Trump entertains. But at least the White House grabbed handfuls of individual packets of mayo. Recall his sumptuous Christmas spread for journalists down at Mar-a-lago:

 The White House is probably sanitary:

Of course the kitchen at Mar-a-Lago is disgusting. As a businessman, President Donald Trump made his name by hawking products and services that sounded glitzy and fabulous but were actually very bad. (See: Trump University, Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines.) So it makes perfect sense that the restaurant at his so-called “Winter White House” is no different.

The Miami Herald on Thursday published the most recent inspection reports from Mar-a-Lago’s kitchen, which show 13 violations, including some that are just plain dangerous. Some highlights:

▪ Fish designed to be served raw or undercooked, the inspection report reads, had not undergone proper parasite destruction. Kitchen staffers were ordered to cook the fish immediately or throw it out.

▪ In two of the club’s coolers, inspectors found that raw meats that should be stored at 41 degrees were much too warm and potentially dangerous: chicken was 49 degrees, duck clocked in at 50 degrees and raw beef was 50 degrees. The winner? Ham at 57 degrees.

▪ The club was cited for not maintaining the coolers in proper working order and was ordered to have them emptied immediately and repaired.

In other words, not only is it ethically gross for a president to be hosting foreign leaders at his own resort, it’s also generally gross too.


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