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Kush family values

Kush family values

by digby

Who are these people? Who are these people?Chris Christie’s new book talks about Jared’s lovely family who are just as much a bunch of low lives as the Trumps. Jared held a grudge against poor Chris for putting his father in jail.  Here’s a reminder of what he did:

The elder Kushner hired a sex worker to seduce his brother-in-law Bill Schulder, then filmed them having sex in a motel and sent the tape to his own sister, Esther. The bizarre plot was an attempt to blackmail the Schulders into keeping their silence about Bill’s knowledge of Charles’s fraudulent activities.

Charles Kushner pleaded guilty to 18 charges and served 14 months in a federal prison in Alabama.

In one of the most visceral passages of the book, Christie recounts for the first time how Jared Kushner badmouthed him to Trump in April 2016, pleading with his father-in-law not to make Christie transition chairman. Remarkably, he did so while Christie was in the room.

“He implied I had acted unethically and inappropriately but didn’t state one fact to back that up,” Christie writes. “Just a lot of feelings – very raw feelings that had been simmering for a dozen years.”

Kushner went on to tell Trump that it wasn’t fair his father spent so long in prison. He insisted the sex tape and blackmailing was a family matter that should have been kept away from federal authorities: “This was a family matter, a matter to be handled by the family or by the rabbis.”

Huh??? The sick piece of work set up his own brother-in-law and then blackmailed his own sister into keeping quiet in a federal criminal fraud investigation. Let “the Rabbis” deal with this? What the hell?

No wonder Ivanka married him. He’s as much of a low-life as her daddy.

This family of immoral morons is running the most powerful nation on earth.

And they’re being fluffed and propped up every single day by the Republican Party — including Chris Christie who is only doing this out of personal malice and spite — because he’s a thug too.

Not one of these people has even a thimbleful of integrity.

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