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The Only Argument Against Impeachment by tristero

The Only Argument Against Impeachment 

by tristero

Given the latest evidence of obstruction and suborning perjury, the only reasonable argument against impeachment is this:

Every moment that Trump remains in office is a moment that dramatically accelerates the long-overdue and necessary demise of the modern Republican party. He makes the incompetence and absence of ideas in the GOP so palpable that nearly the entire country can see that the party as a whole is intellectually and morally bankrupt.

The moment Trump leaves office, it becomes less obvious to many people (who don’t follow politics that closely) that the entire party (and not just Trump) is terribly sick and needs to go. We’ll still be able to make that case, but it will become much harder.

In short, impeaching Trump lets the Republican party — the party of McConnell, Graham, Kavanaugh, Pence, Cruz etc etc etc, — off the hook.

Now, I didn’t say that was a good argument against impeachment, did I? It isn’t. Because the obvious rejoinder is that as bad as Trump is for the Republicans, he is far worse for all the rest of us, here and abroad. As long as Trump is in the White House, the world is an immeasurably more dangerous world than it would be if he was out of there.*

And so, regardless of the consequences, including the near-certain delay of the demise of the modern Republican party that his impeachment will cause, Trump must be impeached.

*Would Pence be an improvement? One step at a time, please. No reason to stop with Trump.

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