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Rats overboard

Rats overboard

by digby

Somebody sees the writing on the wall:

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is slated to meet with veteran Republican strategist Ward Baker on Sunday afternoon to discuss a possible 2020 run for the vacant Kansas Senate seat, according to two people familiar with the plans.

Pompeo, a former congressman and ex-CIA director who in April 2018 was confirmed as secretary of State, is considering a Senate bid, though he has yet to make a final decision. Yet party leaders, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, are aggressively wooing him. McConnell (R-Ky.) and Pompeo spoke shortly after Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts announced his retirement.

Pompeo and Baker are expected to talk about what a Senate campaign would entail. Baker has deep political experience, having served as National Republican Senatorial Committee executive director during the 2016 election cycle. During the 2018 midterms, he helped to spearhead Tennessee Republican Marsha Blackburn’s successful Senate bid. He is also close to McConnell.

A Pompeo departure would be a blow to the Trump administration, which has suffered an array of high-profile departures in recent months. In December, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis resigned after breaking with the president over his decision to withdraw troops from Syria.

Several Cabinet departments — including Interior and Defense — are being run by acting secretaries. Should Pompeo leave, it would create another opening for Trump to fill.

Yeah, good luck. Maybe Pompeo can become a Senator from Kansas. They have a recent history of electing wingnut freaks like Sam Brownback so Pompeo wouldn’t be an anomaly. But he will never, ever be president if that’s what he has in mind. But unlike Nikki Haley, who deftly managed to keep a little bit of distance between herselTrump stench will be on him for the rest of his life, especially the utter crapola he’s been spinning in the Middle East.

And his wife is a bit of a problem too.


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