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Don’t back down. This is another assault on democracy.

Don’t back down. This is another assault on democracy.

by digby

Via Vox:

The Politico/Morning Consult poll finds that a majority of voters — 54 percent — blame Trump and congressional Republicans for the shutdown, compared to 35 percent who blame Democrats.

In a statement, Tyler Sinclair, Morning Consult’s vice president, said, “As the government shutdown enters its second month, President Trump continues to carry the bulk of the blame among voters for the stalemate. … In this week’s poll nearly half of voters (49 percent) say the president is responsible — up 6 points since the shutdown began. At the same time, 35 percent of voters blame congressional Democrats, up 4 points, while 4 percent of voters blame congressional Republicans, down 3 points.”

The second poll, conducted by CBS News, finds that 71 percent of Americans “don’t think the issue of a border wall is worth a government shutdown, which they say is now having a negative impact on the country.”

I’m hearing from anchors on all the cable news shows that people are suffering so it’s time for the Democrats to fold. After all, the president is holding his breath until he turns blue and is clearly ready to do it until doomsday so they might as well accept that they have to capitulate to him.

On the other hand, Ben Wikler of Move On says he’s hearing there is a remote chance that enough Republican Senators will sign on to a clean Continuing Resolution (one withou the wall) tomorrow that they might be able to force the situation. They are calling for people to get in touch with their Senators:

Today may be the day to weight in. The heat is on the Republicans far more than the Democrats and it’s important not to let the media hector the Democrats into weakening. Trump is doing a dominance play — insisting that he will win no matter how much chaos and pain he causes millions of people. It’s what his base loves and it’s all he knows. If it wasn’t he would take the easy way out and declare an emergency and throw it to the courts. He might not get his wall but he could easily spin it as a strong move. Instead he’s insisting on playing chicken because he believes that unless he puts Nancy Pelosi in her place, he will have lost face.

The Republicans can’t be allowed to use these extreme measures to enact policies that are disapproved of by the majority of the country. It’s another assault on democracy. If the Democrats don’t stand against these actions we are well and truly screwed.


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