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QOTD: Kellyanne Conway

QOTD: Kellyanne Conway

by digby

“I think fundamentally [Pelosi] is someone who doesn’t always have control of her temper about the President, but she often doesn’t have control of her own chamber. I think she’s afraid that many people are not going to show up, and that’s embarrassing to her.”

Lol. Temper? I’ll just throw one little example out:

British Prime Minister Theresa May was calling to celebrate the Republican Party’s wins in the midterm elections — never mind that Democrats seized control of the House — but her appeal to the American president’s vanity was met with an ornery outburst. Trump berated May for Britain not doing enough, in his assessment, to contain Iran. He questioned her over Brexit and complained about the trade deals he sees as unfair with European countries. May has endured Trump’s churlish temper before, but still her aides were shaken by his especially foul mood, according to U.S. and European officials briefed on the conversation.

During his 43-hour stay in Paris, Trump brooded over the Florida recounts and sulked over key races being called for Democrats in the midterm elections that he had claimed as a “big victory.” He erupted at his staff over media coverage of his decision to skip a ceremony honoring the military sacrifice of World War I. The president also was angry and resentful over French President Emmanuel Macron’s public rebuke of rising nationalism, which Trump considered a personal attack. And that was after his difficult meeting with Macron, where officials said little progress was made as Trump again brought up his frustrations over trade and Iran.

Here’s some twitter tantrums from just the last few days:

“Nancy Pelosi and some of the Democrats turned down my offer yesterday before I even got up to speak,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “They don’t see crime & drugs, they only see 2020 – which they are not going to win. Best economy! They should do the right thing for the Country & allow people to go back to work.”

“Nancy Pelosi has behaved so irrationally & has gone so far to the left that she has now officially become a Radical Democrat. She is so petrified of the ‘lefties’ in her party that she has lost control,” he said in a posting. “And by the way, clean up the streets in San Francisco, they are disgusting!”

But sure, try to compare Pelosi to the Toddler in Chief. It’s sure to get all the misogynists in the Trump coalition all excited. That’s Kellyanne’s job.
I won’t even dignify the “cpntrol of her own chamber” business. Considering the out of controldumpster fire of the White House, it’s cleear they’ve decided once again on the “I know you are but what am I strategy.


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