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Supremely inappropriate

Supremely inappropriate

by digby

I mentioned earlier that Mulvaney is in way over his head as Trump’s chief of staff. Yep:

This is the meeting they are talking about. Karoli at Crooks and Liars wrote it up:

The right-wing influence group “Groundswell” is alive, well, and thriving. Just last week, Virginia “Ginni” Thomas went to the White House and paid Donald J. Trump a visit, specifically to yell at him about transgender people and also to complain that he wasn’t appointing her friends fast enough.
It must be nice to have the ear of a Supreme Court Justice, eh? Just last week the Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump’s transgender ban could be upheld while the case moved through the courts. I’m sure Ginni had nothing to do with that.

But it wasn’t just Ginni who marched into the Oval Office with a list of demands. She brought her posse with her, to demand that Trump immediately bend the knee to her demands, according to The New York Times.

Louie Gohmert’s Chief of Staff was one of the friends Ginni brought along, though she claimed Connie Hair was just a conservative columnist, nothing to see there at all. Nope, not a thing.

A central focus for Ms. Hair and Ms. Thomas was administration appointments that they wanted made, and that they accused the president’s aides of blocking. People familiar with the situation indicated that the people Ms. Hair and Ms. Thomas wanted hired were rejected for a range of reasons, and in at least one case, someone was offered a job and declined it because the position was not considered senior enough. Another complaint was that Ms. Thomas had not actually shared the full list of people to be hired, said those familiar with the meeting.

Others attending the meeting included Frank Gaffney, the founder of the Center for Security Policy who has advocated curtailing immigration and has repeatedly denounced Muslims, and Rosemary Jenks, who works for the anti-immigration group NumbersUSA, according to the people familiar with the events.

If you’ve never heard of Groundswell, click this link.

The meeting came about because Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife had been over to the White House for a private dinner with the president.

That’s right. A Supreme Court justice, who is married to an important right-wing activist, was at a private dinner at the White House which led to another private meeting with a bunch of wingnut lunatics to complain that the Donald Trump wasn’t being looney enough. While the government was shut down.

Here’s the gist of the NY Times story, which I have to admit made me laugh. Here’s Trump in the middle of the shutdown, having demeaned himself to please the base on immigration being berated by a bunch of right wing extremists for failing them. Sometimes life is good:

For 60 minutes Mr. Trump sat, saying little but appearing taken aback, the three people said, as the group also accused White House aides of blocking Trump supporters from getting jobs in the administration.

It is unusual for the spouse of a sitting Supreme Court justice to have such a meeting with a president, and some close to Mr. Trump said it was inappropriate for Ms. Thomas to have asked to meet with the head of a different branch of government.

A vocal conservative, Ms. Thomas has long been close to what had been the Republican Party’s fringes, and extremely outspoken against Democrats. Her activism has raised concerns of conflicts of interest for her husband, who is perhaps the most conservative member of the Supreme Court.

A White House spokeswoman declined to comment on the meeting, and Ms. Thomas did not respond to an email seeking comment.

During the meeting last Thursday in the Roosevelt Room, which was attended by about a half-dozen White House aides, one woman argued that women should not serve in the military because they had less muscle mass and lung capacity than men did, according to those familiar with the events. At another point, someone said that gay marriage, which the Supreme Court determined in 2015 was the law of the land, was harming the fabric of the United States. And another attendee was dismissive that sexual assault is pervasive in the military.

The meeting was arranged after months of delay, according to the three people. It came about after the Thomases had dinner with the president and the first lady, Melania Trump, the people said.

Ms. Thomas was an ardent supporter of Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, during the 2016 presidential primaries. But she shifted her support to Mr. Trump when he became the nominee and has forcefully denounced his political critics. [They didn’t mention that to trump and she portrayed herself as a big Trump supporter. lol.]
Ms. Thomas — whose group, Groundswell, was formed in 2013 to strategize against Democrats and the political left and meets weekly — joined others in prayer at the start of the meeting. Some members of the group prayed at different moments as the meeting continued. At one point, Mr. Trump pulled in his daughter Ivanka, a West Wing adviser, saying she would be beloved if she were serving a liberal president, instead of getting negative news coverage.

One attendee criticized Republican congressional leaders, saying they should be “tarred and feathered,” a person briefed on the meeting said. Mr. Trump defended the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, and the House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy of California, saying that they had held strong for nearly five weeks of a shutdown, and that it was not clear what else the attendees thought they could be doing.

Hahahahaha! Welcome to our world Trumpie!

Ms. Thomas, who was said to have opened the meeting by informing the assembled White House staff members that she feared being open because she did not trust the people there, has long been more conservative than her husband, and has often provoked controversy.

In 2011 she formed a government affairs firm called Liberty Consulting, which drew criticism for boasting on its website that Ms. Thomas would use her “experience and connections” to help clients.

More recently, she hired as an assistant a woman fired by the conservative group Turning Point USA for texting a colleague a year earlier that “I HATE BLACK PEOPLE.” The woman, Crystal Clanton, was on the list of people Ms. Thomas’s group asked to have attend the meeting, the people familiar with the sit-down said.

She has also drawn criticism for sharing social media posts promoting conspiracy theories, including one suggesting that the billionaire philanthropist George Soros was working against Mr. Trump and that Democrats had committed voter fraud during last year’s midterm elections. Shortly before the elections, Ms. Thomas also shared a misleading post about the caravan of migrants traveling toward the United States.

She’s as nutty as they come.

I don’t think I need to mention that the Republicans would impeach any liberal Justice whose spouse worked as a far-left activist of this type. It’s simply bizarre that this is ok. It’s not that a spouse doesn’t have the right to have his or her own job. But this kind of political activism should be off limits.

But hey — they do what they want. Rules are for losers.


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