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The state of our union is weak

The state of our union is weak

by digby

Pelosi invited trump to give his big speech now that he’s had his time out and he’s promising to be a good boy. We know he’ll tell the world that he’s the greatest leader the world has ever known and the number of his accomplishments is unprecedented.

Nobody’s buying it:

That’s from the NBC/WSJ poll.

This is from the new Monmouth poll:

President Trump’s State of the Union address was initially scheduled to be delivered this week, but was postponed by the shutdown. While he is likely to give his administration a glowing review when he does deliver it, less than half of the public feels that the current state of the union is either very (13%) Monmouth University Polling Institute 01/28/19 or somewhat (35%) strong. Another 27% say it is not too strong and 22% say it is not strong at all. The 48% who currently feel the state of the union is at least somewhat strong is down from 55% who said the same in January 2018. The decline of confidence in the state of the union over the past year cuts across all partisan groups – going from 76% to 71% among Republicans, from 52% to 44% among independents, and from 42% to 34% among Democrats.

He’s making America weak again.

In case you were wondering, though, his brainwashed cult is sticking with him, though:

I don’t know what to say about these people anymore. They worship the guy and it seems nothing he does will change their minds. What I can’t figure out is why he doesn’t take advantage of that and just say, “We don’t need a wall anymore. I’ve solved the immigration problem. It’s over, I won.” They would obviously buy it and he could just move on.

He is so politically inept that he keeps trying to please a base that clearly thinks he’s a God and can do no wrong. Why bother?


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