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Roger Stone’s theory of the Mueller case is a doozy

Roger Stone’s theory of the Mueller case is a doozy

by digby

This is from Jeffrey Toobin’s new piece about Stone in the New Yorker:

Stone has responded to Mueller’s charges with fevered hyperbole. “Those who think the Mueller investigation will die out with a whimper are dreaming,” he told me on the phone in early February, after his arraignment in federal court in Washington, D.C. “This is a pretext to allow them to remove both Trump and Pence and replace them with Leather Face—I mean, Nancy Pelosi—and then she can appoint Hillary Clinton as V.P. That’s been the agenda from the beginning.” He has vowed to contest the charges at trial. “We’re going to fight them on every piece of evidence, fight them on every witness. We are going to concede nothing.”

Do you suppose his pal Trump believes this? I assume they both know it isn’t a “pretext” but I can imagine they both might think the whole thing is a conspiracy to take down Trump. That’s what they would do, after all …


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