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She seems nice

She seems nice

by digby

Kellyanne Conway got in some serious boot-licking this morning with her derisive, verbal assaults on the Democratic candidates for the the entertainment of her audience of one. I’m sure he had a very satisfying “executive time” listening to it:

“That guy [Beto O’Rourke] … apparently wants to reward his loss of a Senate seat, his loss to Ted Cruz in Texas, with running for president,” Conway said. “Let’s just bring that to the whole country now, being a loser.”

[Recall that her boss was a failed businessman who went bankrupt four times before he ran for office.]

She also took aim at Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), who announced her presidential candidacy over the weekend during a snowstorm in her home state.

“I don’t think that was a very impressive rollout,” Conway said. “It’s a lot of sing-songy happy talk from these folks, or it’s virulently anti-Donald Trump at all times. They’re so obsessed with him.”

Conway also referenced recent unflattering news reports about how Klobuchar treats her staff.

“Amy Klobuchar, who seems to be a very nice person, I guess, unless you’re on her staff — she’s had some terrible articles about how she treats them,” Conway said.

Conway also worked in a jab at Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who formally announced her 2020 bid over the weekend amid continuing controversy over having identified as a Native American.

“Elizabeth Warren spent decades, folks, decades appropriating somebody else’s heritage and ethnicity, and she’s been lying about it,” Conway said.

Conway knocked Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.), another 2020 hopeful, for signing onto the “Green New Deal,” a lofty vision to eliminate all U.S. carbon emissions that critics have said is costly and unrealistic.

Without prompting, she then turned to an episode over the weekend involving Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), who is exploring a 2020 bid and made a visit to a soul food restaurant in Columbia, S.C.

When a plate of fried chicken arrived, Gillibrand started eating it with a fork before noticing that her tablemates were using their fingers.

“Kirsten Gillibrand, this weekend in her 50s, apparently it was the first time she had ever eaten fried chicken, and she waited for the cameras to roll,” Conway relayed.

Toward the end of the segment, Conway found something nice to say about two other potential 2020 candidates, former Starbucks chief executive Howard Schultz and former New York mayor and businessman Michael Bloomberg.

Schultz is eyeing an independent bid while Bloomberg is mulling running as a Democrat. Both are billionaires.

“These are two guys who started businesses out of nothing, and they have successfully been job creators and have operated within the private insurance system for decades,” Conway said, apparently seeking to contrast them with Democrats who are advocating for single-payer health-care plans.

This is what Trump likes about her. She’s unable to hide her smirk as she’s trolling which makes her all the more popular with his nasty base.


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