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The henchmen are accomplices

The henchmen are accomplices

by digby

I’ve been calling Nunes and the boys accomplices for a long time. I didn’t realize until now just how accurate that statement was.

Can there be any doubt that Nunes shared this with the president? The same president who said a hundred times that he wasn’t under investigation?

McCabe told Today host Savannah Guthrie that he ordered the opening of a counterintelligence investigation into Trump following Comey’s firing because “we had information that led us to believe that there might be a threat to national security, in this case that the president himself might be a threat to United States national security” — in particular, that Trump might be a Russian agent.

“The president, in our view, had gone to extreme measures to potentially impact — negatively impact, possibly turn off — our investigation of Russian meddling into the election, and Russian coordination with his campaign,” McCabe said. “We thought that might be possible [that Trump was working for Russia] … you have to ask yourself, if you believe that the president might have obstructed justice for the purpose of ending our investigation into Russia, you have to ask yourself why. Why would any president of the United States not want the FBI to get to the bottom of Russian interference in our election?”

Why would his henchmen not want to get to the bottom of it either? Of course, they benefitted from Russian interference too. Since they have made themselves into a rump 40% minority party by backing this cretin, I guess they figure this is their only chance to hold on to power.


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