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They’re just wearing their white slip on the outside now

They’re just wearing their white slip on the outside now

by digby

We know this guy is a flat-out racist, and a corrupt one to boot. In many ways he was a precursor to Trump. But he’s just completely letting it all hang out now:

Former Gov. Paul LePage (R) tore apart a bill currently in the Maine state legislature that proposes essentially eliminating the Electoral College in favor of the popular vote because it would only “be minorities that elect” the President.

According to a Thursday Maine Beacon report, LePage told local radio station WVOM that the legislation would render him and other whites “a forgotten people.”

“Actually what would happen if they do what they say they’re gonna do is white people will not have anything to say,” LePage said. “It’s only going to be the minorities that would elect. It would be California, Texas, Florida.”

LePage has made some unrelated headlines lately, allegedly just finding out that his administration (thus, the taxpayers) spent $1,100 per night on Trump hotel rooms and contending that a lost 2018 House race was a “stolen election.”

Considering how racist he was in office, it’s hard to believe that being a private citizen has actually freed him up to really say what’s on his mind. But let’s not kid ourselves. The Kris Kobachs and Trumps of this country are on exactly the same page. They just don’t put it in quite such obvious terms. But I can see Trump saying exactly the same thing before too long. This is the subtext of his anti-immigrant “message.” At some point he’ll drop any pretense and just start saying it right out loud.


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