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QOTD: Mr Kellyanne Conway

QOTD: Mr Kellyanne Conway

by digby

George Conway wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post. This is the conclusion:

Whether the Mueller report ever sees the light of day, there is one charge that can be resolved now. Americans should expect far more from a president than merely that he not be provably a criminal. They should expect a president to comport himself in accordance with the high duties of his office. As all presidents must, Trump swore an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, and to faithfully execute his office and the laws in accordance with the Constitution. That oath requires putting the national interests above his personal interests.

Yet virtually from the moment he took office, in his response to the Russia investigation, Trump has done precisely the opposite: Relentlessly attacked an attorney general, Mueller, the Justice Department — including suggesting that his own deputy attorney general should go to jail. Lied, to the point that his own lawyers wouldn’t dare let him speak to Mueller, lest he commit a crime. Been more concerned about touting his supposedly historic election victory than confronting an attack on our democracy by a hostile foreign power.

If the charge were unfitness for office, the verdict would already be in: guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

He was compromised by Russia with his lies about Trump Tower. Whether they acted on it is unknown. His behavior at the summits, toward NATO, toward Putin etc may just be because the President trusts the Russian president more than he trusts the US government to give him good advice — because he’s a psychologically damaged moron. That’s always been a good possibility.

And no matter what, Conway is absolutely right. He is unfit in every way. Let’s hope Barr’s whitewash doesn’t result in too many people losing sight of that in a race to prove they are “unbiased.” Trump deserves no benefit of the doubt on ANYTHING.


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