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The M****** Report by tristero

The M****** Report 

by tristero

Golly, we’re gonna get an M today! Whoop de doo.

Even if it’s interesting, even if it’s damning (likely to be neither, see below), all it does is highlight how essential it is to see the U and the E and the L and the other L and another E and R.

Rachel had a great segment on Tuesday about how Barr’s pulled this stunt before, during Bush 1. He even used the same language — summarizing “principal conclusions”— and he got away with it for two years before the document he summarized was finally pried loose.

Of course, his summary then was a blatant pack of lies and misrepresentations.

This situation is a little different. He felt, for some reason, compelled to release a censored report. But you can rest assured the basic modus operandi is in effect: lie, obfuscate, cover up, stonewall, and delay, all in the service of a dictatorial level of executive power for American presidents.

All presidents, you ask? Yes, all legitimate American presidents. And, of course, the only legitimate ones are Republican, by definition.

Forgive my cynicism and pessimism, please. But it looks like the press is about to enthusiastically help this despicable scoundrel discredit and then bury one of the most important investigations into the most compromised, most corrupt, and most dangerously powerful man in the country.

We should refuse, even for a second, to accept the whitewash. We must see the entire uncensored Mueller report. Now.

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