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Warren makes it clear, always

Warren makes it clear, always

by digby

Warren has no problem just doing … the right thing. It’s refreshing.

Warren, who is competing for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, read part of the report as she rebutted Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) declaration of “case closed” on the Russia investigation.

“Since the Majority Leader has pronounced his judgement here on the Senate floor, I’d like to spend some time reminding him of exactly what the report said,” Warren said from the Senate floor.

Warren proceeded to read passages from Mueller’s report detailing Russia’s election meddling, saying she was “shaken by the evidence.” The senator was the first Democratic presidential candidate to call for President Trump’s impeachment in the wake of the report’s release last month.

She homed in on several passages where Mueller detailed Trump’s calls for White House staff to get rid of the special counsel, including his demand that former White House counsel Don McGahn remove Mueller, his talks with former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) about firing Mueller and the “episodes” Mueller outlined about potential obstruction.

“On the first call, McGahn recalled that the president said something like, ‘You got to do this. You’ve got to call Rod,’” Warren said, referring to outgoing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who long oversaw the special counsel probe.

“The special counsel’s report states ‘substantial evidence’ indicates that in repeatedly urging McGahn to dispute that he was ordered to have the special counsel terminated, the president acted for the purpose of influencing,” she added.

If you have a few minutes, check out these clips of Elizabeth Warren from 2004 on the economy. She was right then and she’s right now:


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