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The new Q poll has Trump at 38%

The new Q poll has Trump at 38%

by digby

And his disapproval is at 57%. Two weeks ago it was at 41%. Only 31% say they will definitely vote for him to 54% who say they would definitely not vote for him.

I’m not surprised that 54% say they definitely won’t vote for him. That tracks with his disapproval rate almost from the beginning. It’s that 31% that I find interesting. I would have thought that would track with his approval rating over time too which is usually somewhere around 40%.

This was interesting too and important to keep in mind.

Only Biden has a positive approval rating at the moment. But as Josh Marshal says, “for most of these Democrats it’s that most haven’t heard enough to make a judgement either way. So what you’re seeing here is to a significant extent confirmed GOP partisans knowing to hate them just on the basis of their party with others not having a clear opinion.”

Nonetheless, it’s important to remember that presidential elections come down to a choice between two people (or voting 3rd party as a protest vote.) We’re a long way from knowing what that choice is going to be and how the American people will receive it.


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