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“To me, it’s a dirty word — the word impeach. It’s a dirty, filthy, disgusting word.”

“To me, it’s a dirty word — the word impeach. It’s a dirty, filthy, disgusting word.”

by digby

“I don’t see how they can because they’re possibly allowed, although I can’t imagine the courts allowing it. I’ve never gone into it. I never thought that would even be possible to be using that word. To me, it’s a dirty word — the word impeach. It’s a dirty, filthy, disgusting word.” 

Circling back to whether he thought he would be impeached, he told reporters, “I don’t think so, because there was no crime.” 

He returned to a flawed argument he and his backers have long put forth to dismiss the threat of Trump’s impeachment. 

“You know, it’s high crimes and, not with — or — it’s high crimes and misdemeanors,” he said. “There was no high crime and there was no misdemeanor. So how do you impeach based on that?”

That wasn’t the only demonstration of his very stable genius understanding of the Constitution:

He was very upset about Robert Mueller this morning. Contrary to conventional wisdom, it almost seems like he doesn’t really want to be impeached after all.


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