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Oh look. Susan Collins has a little problem.

Oh look. Susan Collins has a little problem.

by digby

Joan McCarter brings the good news:

Happy Friday! Sen. Susan Collins’ approval rating in Maine has dropped 17 points since last spring in the biannual tracking poll Critical Insights conducts in Maine. S.E.V.E.N.T.E.E.N. And 10 points since last fall. 

In what is “the longest-running consistently-administered tracking survey in the Northeast,” Collins dropped from a 58% approval a year ago, to 51% last fall, to 41% this spring. She also only get a 46% approval rating among Republicans, and 31% from Democrats. In the words of the polling memo, “Approval of Senator Collins’s job performance has declined dramatically since last fall, reaching a new low.” She has’t been underwater in this poll ever before (her disapproval is 42%). 

Bob Domine, President of Critical Insights, says “If I had to speculate on a single factor underlying this slip in Collin’s approval rating, it would be her pivotal vote in Brett Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court. Her approval was both strong and steady prior to her vote last fall, and it has continued to slip since then.” The president* she took that vote for, Donald Trump, has a 58% disapproval in the state, with just 34% approving.

Being a Donald Trump toadie doesn’t always pay off does it? In fact,  it’s just possible that a president with a 40% national approval rating is the kiss of death for anyone who lives in a state that isn’t totally dominated by cultists.

Certainly, any Democrat who lives in a swing district should take a good look at those numbers. Donald Trump is not popular. There’s no need to go easy on him.

A random sampling of Trump’s numbers. Sure there are those states in which he’s got a double digit positive approval rating. But you might be surprised at how weak he is in some states you might assume love him:

Alaska approval +1
Texas +3
Arizona -7
Nevada -7
Iowa -8
Indiana +3
Kansas +2
Wisconsin -13
Michigan -13
Wisconsin -13
Ohio -4
Pennsylvania -7
North Carolina -2
Florida -2

There is no reason for Democrats to be so scared of this man. They need to take a stand.


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