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They were incredibly brave

They were incrediby brave

by digby

If you’ve ever been to Omaha beach (or any of the beaches where they landed) you can see just how brave a person had to be to try to get on that shore with the guns overhead. You had to know your chances were very slim. But they did it:

This is why the WWII generation didn’t fetishize their military service even though a vast number of them participated. It was gruesome. They just wanted to get the job done and then try to put it behind them. I don’t spend a lot of time venerating the Greatest Generation. I grew up with them, was raised by them — my father was in the South Pacific — and they were far from perfect. But millions of them did rise to the occasion when it was necessary. I assume the same thing would happen today. Let’s hope we never have to test that assumption.


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