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Ivanka for VP?

Ivanka for VP?

by digby

There has been a lot of idle chatter going around for years that Trump is grooming his totally unqualified daughter Ivanka for VP. In a normal world we would dismiss such rumors as banana republic-style nonsense. But the way she was strutting her stuff at the G8 meeting and in South Korea last month and the weird unexplained behavior of Mike Pence this week, who knows? This wag on Medium points out that Pence is no longer necessary:

Donald Trump trusts Ivanka. Ivanka might as well be the vice president right now. There is nobody that Donald trusts more than his daughter. She is a part of him and has faithfully been by his side and never dares to say a negative thing about him. She lives by and understands what he means when he says that loyalty is everything to him.

Donald Trump does not need Mike Pence. Mike Pence was chosen for one reason and one reason only — he’s as close to a fundamental evangelical as you can get in politics. Donald Trump had a religious problem going into the election and he used Mike Pence (and Jerry Falwell Jr.) to give him that official evangelical checkmark of approval to get the evangelical vote. At this time, enough propaganda has been out there that he no longer needs Mike Pence. As long as Jerry Falwell Jr. is there to promote him as a man of God, that’s all he needs for that evangelical approval.

Donald Trump needs the women’s vote. Women are the largest group of people outside of the non-Christian population and non-caucasian population that do not approve of Donald Trump. Would a female vice president help soften that image and tip the scales? It may just enough. It’s a better option than Mike Pence that’s for sure.

It wouldn’t be unprecedented. After all, legend has it that Roman emperor Caligula planned to name his horse Incitatus as Senate consul. Why not Ivanka for VP?



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