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“John Roberts has made his decision; now let him enforce it!”

“John Roberts has made his decision; now let him enforce it!”

by digby
The DOJ admitted to the Court yesterday they had been told to allow the census forms to be printed without the citizenship question (clearly with the President’s ok) and because the president tweeted that they weren’t going to do it are now trying to find a ‘rationale” for not doing it.  Yes, they actually used the words “finding a rationale” to a federal judge. 
We don’t know what kind of “rationale” they’ll try to find or if Chief Justice Roberts is as spineless as every other Republican and will capitulate to whatever bullshit they come up with. But here is one of their reported options: 

President Trump is considering an executive order to try to move forward with a citizenship question on the 2020 census, top sources tell Jonathan Swan and me. 

“We didn’t come this far just to throw in the towel,” said a senior administration official with direct knowledge of the conversations. 

Administration lawyers are exploring various legal options. 

A senior legal source said: “The administration is considering the appropriateness of an executive order that would address the constitutional need for the citizenship question to be included in the 2020 census.” 

But there is considerable skepticism within the administration that an executive order would succeed. 

If he just orders the Commerce Department to print the forms with the question on it, he will be defying the Supreme Court. 

That will be a real constitutional crisis.

However, it is not a “kitchen table issue” so I assume it will not trigger an impeachment inquiry. I’m not sure if there’s anything that would at this point.

The man is kissing up to dictators, putting babies in concentration camps, is accused of raping someone on 5th Avenue (along with more than a dozen other assaults) is running his business out of the oval office and has been shown to have colluded with a foreign adversary to sabotage his rival’s presidential campaign and blatantly obstructed justice to cover it up.

Telling the Supreme Court to go fuck itself when he doesn’t like their decisions is par for the course.


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