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White nationalists are very pleased with Donald Trump’s leadership

White nationalists are very pleased with Donald Trump’s leadership

by digby

As usual, Trump gives a big boost to the far-right:

A former Infowars staffer who organized the Proud Boys protest in Portland Saturday deemed the “mission” a success because President Donald Trump sided with the right-wing extremist group against the anti-fascists.

“Go look at President Trump’s Twitter,” Joe Biggs told The Oregonian (see the video above). “He talked about Portland, said he’s watching antifa. That’s all we wanted. We wanted national attention, and we got it. Mission success.”

Biggs said he was pleased with the relatively peaceful day between the Proud Boys — which describes its members as “Western chauvinists” — and counterprotesters, who included anti-fascist activists. Portland police reported that at least 13 people were arrested and six were injured.
Instead of addressing increasing right-wing violence, however, Trump repeated on the day of the Portland protest that he is considering labeling the leftist antifa a “terrorist” organization. “Antifa” is a blanket term that refers to a decentralized network of leftist, anti-fascist organizations that take on far-right protesters in the streets, sometimes violently. Nor have anti-fascist activists been linked to a single death, unlike gunmen compelled by extreme right-wing views.

No, they haven’t. Mostly they just dress up like ninjas and wander around the streets when the Nazis show up. Sometimes they protect people and sometimes they end up engaging in violent scuffles with the far right. But they haven’t killed anyone.

They haven’t locked up any babies in cages…


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