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Dear American Jews by tristero

Dear American Jews 

by tristero

Dear American Jews.

Donald Trump, who’s asking for loyalty from Jews solely to himself here (and not Israel), had a splendid opportunity to demonstrate his loyalty to you. What happened?

Back in 2017, a riotous mob of Nazis and White Supremacist chanted “Jews will not replace us.

If Trump truly supported American Jews, he would have instantly and unambiguously denounced the mob. Instead, Trump said that “very fine people” were members of that mob of Nazis. (Yeah, he added “on both sides” but that was just for show; Trump has never had a good word for anti-fascists and liberals, ever.)

One of those “very fine people” — a neo-Nazi— murdered a counter protestor.

Since then, Trump has been given ample opportunity to separate himself from Nazis, fascists, racists, and other kinds of white supremacists. He has instead vilified anti-fascists at every opportunity. He has gone out of his way not to put any distance between himself and people like David Duke and his heirs.

Donald Trump is not on your side. He always sides with the men and women who hate Jews and everyone else they deem insufficiently “white.”



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