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Yes, he thinks he’s a god

Yes, he thinks he’s a god

by digby

and a hero.

At the event in Louisville, Kentucky, Trump singled out for praise WWII veteran and Medal of Honor recipient Woody Williams.

“Thank you, Woody. You’re looking good, Woody. Woody’s looking good,” Trump said.

“That was a big day, Medal of Honor. Nothing like the Medal of Honor,” he continued. “I wanted one, but they told me I don’t qualify, Woody. I said, ‘Can I give it to myself anyway?’ They said, ‘I don’t think that’s a good idea.’

Sure, it was a “joke.” But on a day that he retweeted that “The Jewish people in Israel love him like he’s the King of Israel,they love him like he is the second coming of God…” and told the press that he’s “the chosen one” it appears that Trump is having a megalomaniacal breakdown.


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