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Quote of the decade

Quote of the decade

by digby

Guess who:

“We’ve been fighting against an imperial presidency for five and a half years,” he said in June 2016, after Trump had captured the nomination. “Every time we go to the floor and push back against an overreaching president, we get accused of being partisan at best and racist at worst. When we do it against a Republican president, maybe people will see that it was a principled objection in the first place. So we actually welcome that opportunity. It might actually be fun, being a strict-constitutionalist congressman doing battle with a non-strict-constitutionalist Republican president.”

Bill Kristol? David Frum? George Will, maybe?

Nope. That’s Mick Mulvaney, White House chief of staff and top sycophantic bootlicker to Donald J. Trump.

This raises a question: what kind of people are this? How are they justifying this to themselves? Do they wake up in the middle of the night sweating and shaking, realizing that they have sold their sould to this con man?

I doubt it. They were full of shit then and they are full of shit now. We have Trump to thank for finally and irrevocably revealing the void at the center of the “conservative movement” that preened and strutted for years, claiming they were the avatars of bedrock American principles. There was nothing there, ever. We can move on now.


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