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The Ukrainians have his number

The Ukrainians have his number

by digby


Ukraine is ready to investigate the connections Joe Biden’s son Hunter had with the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings, according to Anton Geraschenko, a senior adviser to the country’s interior minister who would oversee such an inquiry.

Geraschenko told The Daily Beast in an exclusive interview that “as soon as there is an official request” Ukraine will look into the case, but “currently there is no open investigation.”

“Clearly,” said Geraschenko, “Trump is now looking for kompromat to discredit his opponent Biden, to take revenge for his friend Paul Manafort, who is serving seven years in prison.” Among the counts on which Manafort was convicted: tax evasion. “We do not investigate Biden in Ukraine, since we have not received a single official request to do so,” said Geraschenko.

His remarks last week came amid widespread speculation that U.S. President Donald Trump had made vital U.S. military aid for Ukraine contingent on such an inquiry, but had tried to do so informally through unofficial representatives, including his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and Giuliani’s adviser on Ukraine, Sam Kislin.

YOu just have to laugh.

But I wouldn’t be surprised if Bill Barr says that it’s perfectly reasonable to open this investigation and he sends and “official” request. They aren’t even trying to hide their corruption now. They are just daring anyone to try and stop them.

By the way, some of this is obviously designed to make it possible to pardon Manafort by churning the waters. I’ll be shocked if he doesn’t do it.


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