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Did the spooks make him hire Paul Manafort too??

Did the spooks make him hire Paul Manafort too?

by digby

He’s now openly pushing the conspiracy theory that the Intelligence Community set him up in 2016. This is what he’s been trying to get to from the beginning.

Here’s one of his allies (the dumbest man in the US Senate) pushing it on Meet the Press:

That’s right. They are going all-in on exonerating Russia 2016 and saying that the “real” interference” was from Ukraine on Clinton’s behalf. It’s full-blown alternate universe time.

I thought this thread from former FBI analyst Asha Rangappa explained the actual Ukraine connection pretty well:

Note the attempt to discredit investigation of Manafort in WH gaslighting. He was on the FBI’s radar for counterintelligence reasons WELL BEFORE Trump’s campaign ever started. He also has been CONVICTED of tax evasion, bank fraud, conspiracy, and witness tampering

Manafort previously worked for pro-Russian Ukrainian politician Victor Yanukovych, who had strong ties to Putin (and has since been deposed). showed up on Trump campaign’s doorstep willing to work for free — even though he was $19 m in debt to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska

While he was Trump’s campaign manager, Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, were in contact with Konstantin Kilimnik, who is affiliated with Russian intelligence. We know from the Mueller Report that Manafort passed polling data from Trump campaign to Kilimnik

After he was arrested, Manafort *continued* to stay in contact with Kilimnik (this is where the witness tampering charges came from). He also violating court orders by continuing to ghost-write pro-Russian op-eds (propaganda) while on bail. Basically, he was still spying

Manafort was clearly a key person in Mueller’s investigation, which is why they wanted him to talk and kept piling on charges. Manafort appeared to be…but then we found out that he was lying to Mueller and that also Trump was potentially dangling pardons behind the scenes

So dude man goes to jail (for transgressions in what the judge called his “otherwise blameless life”🤔), never having spilled the beans on what he knows. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Fruity G was busy in Ukraine trying to discredit the people who helped expose him to FBI

And now we are at a place where Barr, the State Dept., and U.S. Senators are piling on, concocting a story that somehow Hillary Clinton (of course 🙄) was involved in getting Ukraine to provide info on Manafort, and this constituted “election interference.” Seriously.

To repeat, Manafort was under FBI investigation as EARLY AS 2014. Did the FBI and HRC have some crystal ball *two years before the election* that Trump was going to be the GOP candidate, and plot to take him down? Are these MAGIC GRITS???

Is the fact that Ukraine, or any other country, provide evidence to the FBI in a predicated counterintelligence or criminal investigation, which resulted in actual charges, trial by an impartial jury, and conviction, somehow unusual?? (Answer: No.)

Ask yourself whose interests are served by going down this crazycake theory. Manafort is Pooty’s friend. Manafort is super upset right now bc he kept his mouth shut thinking he’d get a pardon. Trump can’t pardon him without it having serious political liability. Do the math.

OK, apparently people aren’t good at math. Casting doubt on the basis of Manafort’s entire investigation, trying to displace blame for Russian election interference on Ukraine, and discrediting the people who helped the FBI in Ukraine gives cover for Trump to pardon Manafort.

She concludes by pointing out that this keeps Vladimir Putin happy and Manafort quiet.

You have to keep asking who benefits from this. Trump, of course. Mitch McConnell got his judges. But it’s also important to note that every single time, Russia benefits as well. Maybe it’s all a big coincidence.

I have to wonder if this isn’t something he and Vlad chatted about in their private conversations. I can certainly imagine Putin putting this in his head as the best way to cover up their collusion.


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