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This is what Trump supporters watch and find convincing

This is what Trump supporters watch and find convincing

by digby

You’ll notice that Howard Kurtz sits there like a droopy, rotting potted plant:

John Amato:

He joined Howard Kurtz on Fox News’ Media Buzz and Kurtz asked him about the impeachable crime of investigating a political rival, “When he came on the camera and urged China and Ukraine to investigate the Bidens — he [Trump] doesn’t see anything wrong with it, he admitted it… Didn’t he undercut your defense?”

Giuliani replied, “The President of the United States has every right to ask countries to help us in a criminal investigation that should be undertaken.”

Giuliani is counting on none of the Fox News viewers to remember that there is no criminal investigation; that it was investigated and found to have no substance; and most importantly, that Rudy Giuliani is not part of the United States government in any way and has no standing.

It happens to involve a political opponent, Kurtz interjected.

“I can’t help that. I mean, suppose the political opponent committed murder. What are we supposed to do if he’s a political opponent? Don’t investigate them?”

Amato suggests that this “murder” example could easily filter into the fever swamps a la Vince Foster and who knows? It wouldn’t surprise me. Things are getting just that crazy.

By the way, the entire Republican Party except maybe Mitt Romney (for the moment) is lining up behind this lunacy.

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