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Pence is involved in all of it

Pence is involved in all of it

by digby

The Third Man:

Yes. That’s right. With his wife nowhere in sight, Vice President Mike Pence, probably praying for big money and no whammies, stands smiling next to the other con men. I doubt there was anything insidious in the Herald’s omission of Pence, as the article is about Trump and Giuliani, not Pence. But, as we now know—and sort of always assumed—Mike Pence might be a lapdog but he’s fully involved in every move going on in this administration.

In more recent breaking news, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, along with Harry Sargeant III have been implicated in working to position Republicans, and possibly Trump and Giuliani, to privately gain from Naftogaz, the Ukrainian state gas company. Parnas and Fruman also seem to have been peddling promises of Ukranian corruption dirt on former Vice President Joe Biden and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Vice President Pence is a poor man’s Harry Lime, but just as unscrupulous.

I think Pence’s sycophancy has already destroyed his future — Republicans will try to erase Trump if this whole thing unravels and they’ll have to erase him too.

Still, he should be made to pay for his aiding and abetting. It’s not benign. He’s in it up to his eyeballs.


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