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“The complex Ukraine saga”

“The complex Ukraine saga”

by digby

Wait, what?

House Democrats are preparing to move their largely private impeachment inquiry onto a more public stage as soon as mid-November and are already grappling with how best to present the complex Ukraine saga to the American people.

And here I’ve been told that the reason the Democrats don’t want to add any impeachment articles that don’t pertain strictly to the Ukraine scandal is because it’s so easy to understand and the others are complicated.

You know, like the 10 instances of obstruction of justice neatly laid out in the Mueller Report. Or the ongoing corruption at his hotels and golf courses. Those are much too complicated for the average American.

We can much more easily grasp a story in which Trump and Rudy Giuliani, a couple of Ukrainian conmen, some right wing lawyers, a Russian oligarch and some Trump appointees were trying to get the Ukrainian government to publicly claim that everything the US intelligence agencies said about the 2016 election was actually  to frame Russia and Trump and they have a secret server with all the missing emails in it which will prove the whole thing. Or something. Also Joe Biden’s son was some kind of crook and Trump and his “three amigos” along with a bunch of other people who weren’t happy about it knew Trump tried to bribe the president of Ukraine with military aid that the congress had already approved. And that’s not even the whole story …

Sure, that’s super easy to understand…


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