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Where did she get that idea? by @BloggersRUs

Where did she get that idea?
by Tom Sullivan

It’s flu season. But flu is not the only contagion spreading.

Remember her from August? She of the MAGA hat and the “RESPECT OUR LAWS” poster in the “Green Shirt Guy” viral video?

The leader of the anti-immigrant group AZ Patriots (an offshoot of Patriot Movement AZ) has been arrested for suspicion of identity theft. The charge, reports Arizona Central, is commonly leveled against undocumented immigrants who use a false name or another person’s identity to get a job. She is the fourth person from Patriot Movement AZ arrested in the last two years, freelance journalist Nick Martin wrote in a tweet.

Arizona Central reports:

Jennifer M. Harrison, 42, was booked into jail by Surprise police on Oct. 24 on one count of taking the identity of another, a Class 4 felony, said Sgt. Bryant Vanegas, a spokesman for the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.

In a probable cause statement, police accused Harrison of using “an elderly victim’s hotel points” to book a hotel to attend a Northern California rock festival. Harrison was released on Friday. But not before causing another scene, this time at the police station.

When she was arrested and transferred to a Surprise police station, she told officers she was innocent and did not cooperate with police, the court document says.

“Jennifer created a scene at the PD (police department) and in the booking room because she believes she is above the law and does not want to be treated like a criminal,” the document says.

Police also said she kicked over a trash can and used profanity, the statement says.

Imraan Siddiqi, executive director of CAIR-Arizona, a chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), retweeted the story, adding that Harrison had attempted to enter his office with a gun.

After her release from jail, Harrison compared herself on Facebook to Donald Trump, believing she is the victim of a “witch-hunt.” She boasted, “People seem to forget who they’re fucking with.”

The charge (unadjudicated) suggests Harrison seems not to have taken care to color inside the lines as she preached in the “Green Shirt Guy” video. The first-name tone of the court quote suggests she is not unfamiliar to police. But it is unclear whether “she is above the law” is a Harrison paraphrase or editorial comment.

But if accurate, where could Harrison have gotten the idea that the law doesn’t apply to her?

Trump’s cultlike followers are already threatening violence should he be impeached. Trump himself is doing nothing to tamp down that sentiment. He tweeted Pastor Robert Jeffress’ “FOX & Friends” comments about “a Civil War-like fracture in this nation.” Trump’s tweet was a green light to militia groups to stand ready.

For other MAGAs, Trump’s “abuse of his office, obstruction of justice, breaking campaign finance laws and violation of the Constitution’s emoluments clauses,” plus his family’s long history of questionable tax-avoidance strategies without consequences has become contagious among followers. Following the law is for losers, suckers, minorities and immigrants. How dare police try holding white MAGAs accountable to law? Don’t they know “who they’re fucking with”?

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