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Chip in for Susie

Chip in for Susie

by digby

Susie Madrak is one of my OG blogger buddies, writer for Crooks and Liars and all-around good egg. She got some scary news and could use a few extra bucks right now:

The stress of covering Trump may have sent some of my cells into overdrive and now there’s a tumor. A rare tumor! A malignant tumor!

It’s still small, and it’s still early. I have a lot of things to do before surgery next month and I’m not going to (pardon the expression) kill myself to keep up the same blogging pace (which, to readers, probably looks more like a leisurely stroll, but whatever).

In the meantime, I’ve asked a couple of friends to pitch in. I’ll still post, just not as much.

I may not even need will most likely need radiation. My future also involves some medications that are a pain in the ass, but I expect to be around for a while. (Thank you, baby Jesus, for Medicare!)

If you want to chip in to help cover all the extra gas, tolls, and miscellaneous expenses this enterprise is costing me, why, that would be just swell. Because my anxiety levels are through the roof — it all adds up. Thanks!

Click here to donate.  Every little bit helps at a time like this.

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