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Still, A Very Low Barr by tristero

Still, A Very Low Barr 

by tristero

Looks like Barr has something resembling limits. Can’t quite say he’s growing a spine when it comes to Trump, more like a congealing of oleaginous excretions:

President Trump wanted Attorney General William P. Barr to hold a news conference declaring that the commander in chief had broken no laws during a phone call in which he pressed his Ukrainian counterpart to investigate a political rival, though Barr ultimately declined to do so, people familiar with the matter said. 

The request from Trump traveled from the president to other White House officials and eventually to the Justice Department. The president has mentioned Barr’s declination to associates in recent weeks, saying he wished Barr would have held the news conference, Trump advisers say.

Y’just can’t find good help these days.

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