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The Cult rules

The Cult rules
by digby

Craig Silverman, a former chief deputy district attorney in Denver and current radio host on the conservative 710 KNUS, was taken off the air midshow Saturday after replaying an old interview clip in which he expressed hesitations about President Donald Trump.

Silverman told The Denver Post in a text message that the show was cut by management as he replayed parts of a 2015 interview he conducted with Trump confidant Roger Stone. On Friday, Stone was convicted of impeding investigators in a bid to protect the president.

In the clip, Silverman told Stone that one thing that concerned him about Trump was his relationship with Roy Cohn, the president’s former personal lawyer who helped Sen. Joe McCarthy during the investigation into suspected Communists in the 1950s.

Silverman responded to state representative Dylan Roberts, an Eagle Democrat, on Twitter, saying “I cannot and will not toe strict Trump party line. I call things I see them.”

Representatives from KNUS did not immediately respond in a request for comment. Silverman’s show page appears to have been removed from the station’s website. A link to his show gives a “404 Error — NotFound.”

A Denver native, Silverman has been a lawyer in Colorado since 1981, spending 16 years in the Denver district attorney’s office, according to his biography. He is an attorney with the Springer and Steinberg law firm.

Thanks Dylan. I cannot and will not toe strict Trump party line. I call things as I see them. I see corruption and blatant dishonesty by President and his cronies. I also see bullying/smearing of American heroes w/courage to take oath and tell truth. Their bravery inspires me.

Conservative media is Trumpist to the core. There can be no deviation.


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