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Well, Gosh Darn It To Heck

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Some people have too much fucking time on their hands:

A conservative activist group is blasting Burger King for using what it calls a profane word to sell meatless Whoppers.

In August, the fast-food giant rolled out an ad promoting its plant-based Impossible Whopper. In the minute-long segment, one customer scarfs down a patty and between bites mumbles, “Damn that’s good.”

Enter One Million Moms, which says its mission is to “stop the exploitation of our children, especially by the entertainment media.” It’s the same group that recently pressured the Hallmark channel to pull a commercial featuring same-sex couples getting married, though the network later apologized and said it had made the “wrong decision.”

In a news release Friday, One Million Moms said the ad was “damaging” to impressionable children, who tend to repeat what they hear. “The language in the commercial is offensive, and it’s sad that this once family restaurant has made yet another deliberate decision to produce a controversial advertisement instead of a wholesome one.”

The group then asked objectors to sign a petition calling on Burger King to cancel the commercial or edit out the word “damn.” Burger King did not immediately respond to questions about whether it would alter or remove the ad, or if it had responded to the group.

Timothy Jay, a professor of psychology emeritus at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts and who has closely studied profanity, said words like “damn” would have been censored a century ago under the influence of the Catholic Church. But now, even as cursing has become more mainstream, “the religious right is obviously more empowered by the conservative climate we have right now, so that’s why it hits a nerve,” Jay said.

Yeah, “wholesome.” I assume One Million Moms is (are?) going after this language, too:

Donald Trump is the first president to make C-SPAN unsuitable viewing for children. “The president used language that some may find offensive,” reads a disclaimer on C-SPAN’s website for a speech he gave in July. In that speech, President Trump said, “If you don’t support me, you’re going to be so goddamn poor.”

Taking the Lord’s name in vain is mild compared with the president’s recent statements. On Friday, he called Beto O’Rourke a “poor bastard.” On Sunday, he retweeted a video of a UFC fighter calling him “a bad motherf—er.” On Monday, he called Gov. Matt Bevin (R-Ky.) “a pain in the ass.”

Trump is so obscene that the country’s newspapers and websites, including this one, have had to change their rules about publishing profanity just to keep up. Thanks to him, you can now read “shithole” in The New York Times.

Wholesome. We need more wholesome. Fuck, yeah.

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