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“She’s going to go through some things”

I have always felt that was the most chilling part of the Trump-Zelensky call. The president of the United States was talking to another world leader saying that the former American ambassador to his country was going to “go through some things.” My God.

It reminded me of this:

Check out the exchange between some weird wingnut Trump henchman who’s running for congress named Robert Hyde and Lev Parnas. Apparently Hyde was having Yovanovich followed and seems to have been inquiring about taking steps to shut her up!

Parnas also received messages from a man named Robert F. Hyde who appeared to be describing surveillance of Yovanovitch and referred to her as a “bitch.” Hyde is now running for a U.S. House seat in Connecticut.

After texting about the ambassador, Hyde gave Parnas location updates over the course of a week. In one text, Hyde wrote: “She’s talked to three people. Her phone is off. Her computer is off.” He said she was under heavy security and “we have a person inside.”

Hyde at one point texted Parnas that ”they are willing to help if we/you would like a price,” and “guess you can do anything in Ukraine with money … is what I was told.”

Here’s that last part

It sounds like he was asking if she could be kidnapped or killed.

Or, as Trump said in his call to Zelensky “she’s going to go through some things…”

Recall Yovanovitch’s testimony from November 15th when she relayed that she’d been told to leave the country immediately:

“She said, ‘I don’t know, but this is about your security. You need to come home immediately. ‘You need to come home on the next plane.’ And I said, ‘Physical security? I mean, is there something going on here in the Ukraine?'”

What did the State Department know about this stuff? What had this person been told?

This guy Hyde is a new character in this saga and he seems like a lovely fellow: He wrote the following tweet as Yovanovich was testifying:

It looks as though he and the president are golfing buds:

This president and his henchmen are gangsters. And that is not a figure of speech.

There is going to be LOT more about this, I’m sure.

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