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Guess which noted constitutional scholar says you don’t need a crime to impeach

You know by now that Alan Dershowitz is all over TV saying that you can’t impeach a president unless he violated a federal criminal statute. He also says he’s been consistent on this for decades and I’m sure if cornered he would find some way to insist he was despite the evidence. He’s a skilled attorney.

But you don’t need to be a lawyer to see that he’s full of it:

Extorting a foreign government to smear your political opponent in a presidential election — after having benefited from exactly the same thing in the previous election —doesn’t subvert the very essence of democracy? Interesting.

I sure hope the House managers and the lawyers who are helping them are putting together a case that can illustrate for the country the fatuous nonsense these people are pushing. I’m actually a little bit shocked that what we’re seeing is this bad.

Not that I think it will change Republican Senators’ minds. Look what they defend every day. But still, I would have thought the lawyers would have been a little bit more serious, if only for their place in history. But then, as George Conway pointed out over the weekend, they aren’t exactly the A-list and those that are famous are more notorious than respected.

Oh look. His explanation is as fatuous as you might expect:

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