Fareed Zakaria interviewed Prince Jared. He’s quite the arrogant little shit:
“I think there’s just a big difference between what the voters see and what the voters want and from what people maybe in Washington or in the media are calling for,” Kushner said. “What we’ve seen since impeachment started is that most people, by the way, are not paying attention to it.”
The President’s son-in-law pointed to recent poll numbers to bolster his point. “We’ve seen the President’s numbers go up by 7 points,” Kushner said. “We got polling numbers back last night that shows the President’s approval rating nationally is over 50%. It was the highest that it’s been since right after the inauguration.”
He’s lying:

Zakaria noted that 75% of voters wanted witnesses:
“I think that the poll is who wants witnesses,” Kushner said. “I mean, if you ask people, do you want more information or no? I think that’s right. If you ask, you know, voters, is impeachment helping your life or does it make a difference or should they actually have an election in, you know, I guess is it 10 months away, I think most people prefer that.”
Asked why so many officials have left the administration with hard feelings:
Kushner told Zakaria that, “What I have seen is that the cream has risen and — I’m not going to say what the word is — but that has sank.”
Kushner went on to say that Trump has “cycled out a lot of the people who didn’t have what it took to be successful here and a lot of the people who have come in and been excellent are not out there complaining and writing books because they’re too busy working.”
You’d think the stable genius would have been able to hire the best people from the beginning but I guess this is just part of his very stable genius process.
Then he whined like a toddler, just like Dear Leader:
“They investigated us for two years on Russia, which we said from the beginning we didn’t collude with Russia. They went through that for two years, they harassed the President, they harassed me, they harassed the White House, that turned out to be nothing,” Kushner said.
Speaking of Trump, he went on to say that Democrats “were saying they wanted to impeach him before he even got on the phone with the President of Ukraine, so I think it’s been a real embarrassment for our country, I think it’s a real shame. I think people want to blame the President for the country being divided, but I think they should look at the Dems and what they are doing.”
That’s so true. If only everyone would just shut up and go along with everything Trump says and does, we wouldn’t have these problems. When they disagree he’s forced to act like a barbarian to “fight back” and who’s fault is that anyway? Why do you make me hurt you baby?
And anyway, even if people can’t stand him, they will have to vote for him anyway:
“In the last election when Mitt Romney ran, 2 percent of the people who disapproved of him voted for him in the last election,” Kushner said, speaking of the Utah Republican senator who ran for the presidency in 2012. “Fifteen percent of the people who disapproved of Donald Trump as a candidate ended up voting for him,”
Kushner continued without providing evidence, “so look, I think his base is strong and getting stronger.””The energy that I’m feeling today is stronger than what we felt at the end of the campaign last year,” Kushner continued, mentioning a recent Trump rally in Iowa. Trump is “strong, he’s getting stronger, the campaign is running well, his supporters are fired up and I do think this November is going to be a very, very important election.”
He’s right about one thing. It’s going to be a very, very important election.