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Let’s investigate the investigation of the investigators!

Huckleberry Graham is on a tear. He’s been threatening to “investigate the Mueller investigators” for months now but hasn’t managed to pull the trigger. presumably, he’s waiting for the results of Durham’s “Investigation of the investigators.”

Now Graham wants to launch an investigation of the impeachment investigators. He wants to know “how all this crap started.”

It’s all a partisan witch hunt, dontcha know.

Senate Intelligence Committee Richard Burr has said that while he does want to hear from the whistleblower, he wants the person’s identity to remain anonymous, so Graham is probably right about this. They aren’t going to let this go.

Everything the whistleblower said has been corroborated by other Trump staffers including his former National Security Adviser John Bolton. Even if he or she was working on behalf of Joe Biden it doesn’t change Trump’s guilt for the crime he committed.

There has been no evidence that the whistleblower conspired with Joe Biden or Schiff. It’s all bullshit designed to appease the angry toddler int eh White House.

As I have noted before, graham has been saying he’s going to do this or that investigation ever since he ascended to the Chairmanship of the Judiciary Committee. He hasn’t done it yet. If he sees wavering in his poll numbers I would guess we will, but short of that, he seems to be vamping. At least for now.

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