I don’t know about you, but I’m more worried about Trump’s redhats listening to this fool and failing to take precautions than I am worried about foreigners at this point.
Trump gave a little update today.
Pence lied. He personally refused to declare an emergency and told everyone to pray! It took weeks to finally deal with the problem — with science, which he doesn’t believe in.
It appears that in order to be allowed to speak to the public his public health experts have to fluff him energetically while they do it. I guess they have to do this in order to save lives. But it says everything about where we are as a country.
By the way, this is what the man in charge said just yesterday afternoon:
THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. I’m going to South Carolina, a big rally. A lot of people — thousands of people outside and it’s going to be very exciting. We have a big day tomorrow, in terms of the Democrats watching. See what happens. And then, on Tuesday, you have a very big day, so it will be interesting to see.
We’re at the same number. A lot of people are getting better. Very much better. The 15 number. Plus we took in, as you know — from Japan, we took in some great American people and citizens and they’re getting better very rapidly. They’re doing very well. All of them are doing well.
The 15 people, likewise, we have them down to a much lower number. They’re in good shape. Most of them are in really good shape. One of the people is — I wouldn’t say “not doing well,” but it’s very — she’s very sick. But she’s hopefully getting better.
But we’re at the same number. We’ve only — so, it — essentially, we’ve only had 15. And a lot of that is because we called it early. We — we were — we made a decision very early to close up our borders to certain areas of the world and we did that. And so we are hopefully getting lower from that number, but let’s see what happens into the future.
Some countries are doing well; some countries are not doing well. You can see that for yourself. And a lot of things are happening. We’re very well organized. We have great talent, great doctors, great — great everyone. There’s tremendous spirit. A lot of spirit.
And, as you know, with the flu, on average, we lose from 26,000 to 78,000 people a year — even more than that, in some cases, some years. We haven’t lost anybody yet. And hopefully, we can keep that intact. We — there have been no deaths in the United States at all. A lot of that is attributable to the fact that we closed the border very early. Otherwise, it could be a different story.
So we’ll — we’ll just keep doing a good job. We’re ordering a lot of supplies. We’re ordering a lot of — a lot of elements that, frankly, we wouldn’t be ordering unless it was something like this. But we’re ordering a lot of different elements of medical. We are working on cures and we’re getting some very good results.
Update: You knew that Mexican border thing was coming, of course. There have been no cases of Mexican immigrants spreading the disease. But Trump would naturally go here:
The Trump administration is considering imposing entry restrictions at the U.S.-Mexico border to control the spread of the coronavirus in the United States, according to two U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials.
Mexico’s government said on Friday it had detected three cases of coronavirus infection in three men who had all recently traveled to Italy, making the country the second in Latin America to register the fast-spreading virus.
The concern over containing the virus at the southern U.S. border comes as the Trump administration also weighs possible restrictions on the entry of travelers from South Korea, Italy and Japan.
The White House on Friday ordered the DHS to draft a range of options to respond to outbreaks in those countries, according to one of the officials and a third DHS official, all of whom requested anonymity to discuss the deliberations.
Two cases have been confirmed in Mexico. There are 16 in Canada.