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The MAGA crowd is stoked

Apparently, they are so excited to vote for Trump they are coming out for him in droves even though he has no opposition:

The efforts are paying off, with Republicans turning out in historic numbers. Trump received more than 31,000 votes in the Iowa caucus, surpassing the 25,000 Democrats who turned out during Barack Obama’s successful 2012 reelection bid. Trump’s share was more than four times the number of Republicans who caucused during George W. Bush’s 2004 reelection campaign.

The vote totals in New Hampshire were even starker. The president received 129,696 votes, more than doubling Obama and Bush’s totals.

While it’s unclear what the figures might portend for the general election — the president’s job approval numbers remain stuck in the mid-40s in most surveys — the results highlight the degree to which Trump’s base is energized. A little more than a year after the president’s party suffered sweeping losses in the midterm elections, Republicans are bent on ensuring that Trump wins a second term.

“There is a personal vote for Donald Trump that is unshakeable,” said John Couvillon, a Louisiana-based pollster who has been tracking the primary totals. “Republican voters are willing to go out” to vote for Trump even though he doesn’t have a formidable primary challenge.

Trump is a very stupid narcissist who undoubtedly has convinced himself that the polls are all rigged against him by the fake news media because all these people come out and cheer for him like he’s a rock star. And it is true that he has a cult following like few others in American history. It’s way beyond politics.

Of course his most die-hard fans are coming out to vote for him in the primaries. They travel for miles and wait in line for days to see his rallies. But we don’t know how many of them there really are so I don’t think you can really extrapolate anything about the general election from these numbers.

I do think we can predict that if Trump loses, these people are going to go batshit insane and Trump will be leading them. We just have to be prepared.

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