People were rightfully appalled when Trump dismissed the head injuries suffered by US troops in the Iranian missile counter-attack last month by calling them mere “headaches.” Now it appears that nearly a hundred soldiers were affected and we don’t really know what the severity of these injuries will end up being:
The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity ahead of an announcement, said there were over 100 cases of TBI, up from the 64 previously reported last month. The Pentagon declined to comment, but in the past had said to expect an increase in numbers in the weeks after the attack because symptoms can take time to manifest and troops can sometimes take longer to report them.
If anyone is expecting the president to walk back his remarks I think he will do the opposite. He thinks brain injuries are for sissies:
“Because you know, today if you hit too hard — 15 yards! Throw him out of the game. They had that last week, I watched for a coupled of minutes. Two guys, just really, beautiful tackle. Boom! 15 yards. The referee goes on television, his wife’s so proud of him. They’re ruining the game! They’re ruining the game,”
If he thinks that about football imagine what he thinks about soldiers who complain. He has no reverence for anyone in the military who isn’t one of his Praetorian Guard. He called the generals dopes and babies and is so snide when he spits out the “Lt Col” part of Vindeman’s title that he appears almost to gag on it.
I have a feeling we’ll be hearing from the WH leakers any day now all about Trump’s disgust with the weaklings who complained about their “headaches.”