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About last night …

If you are interested in hearing my thoughts on the primary you can listen in to Sam Seder’s show on Ring of Fire later in the week. (I appear on it every week, btw.)

I don’t really feel like writing a lot about it. I voted for Warren and I’m disappointed, of course. But for me, that’s just business as usual. My choices almost never win so I long ago accepted that I’m just not in the American political mainstream. Primaries are more than just contests, they are the voters’ way of sending messages to the Party about their priorities and what they care about. So even if your choice didn’t win in the end, they will have had an effect on the platform and the issues.

As for last night, I guess I’m alone in remembering that it was just a couple of months ago that we assumed the fight would come down to Sanders vs Biden. They had been the top two contenders for most of the last year. Biden’s weakness in the first three elections made people think it might not go that way, but it shouldn’t be such a shock that it came back to that again. It’s what we saw throughout 2019 and it just reasserted itself last night.

I’m waiting to see how it all unfolds and will vote for whomever the electorate decides will face Trump. Nothing in my political life has ever been more important.

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