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He’s coming for your Social Security and Medicare Trumpers

Did you think he wouldn’t?

John Amato caught the exchange in Trump’s Fox Townhall last night:

During the questioning Donald, as usual, bragged about himself and the economy.

Trump: The economy is the best economy we’ve ever had; it’s nothing compared to what it’s going to be when the trade deals kick it.

MacCallum said, “But if you don’t cut something in entitlements, you’ll never really deal with the debt.”

Trump: “Oh, we’ll be cutting, but we’ll also have growth like you’ve never had before”

Every move the Trump administration has made, whether its tax cuts for the very wealthy or force the Fed to cut rates, their sycophants’ favorite talking point is that even though they raised the federal deficit, the real outcome will be to spur economic growth to unparalleled heights.

Just like the “confidence fairy” myth that conservatives use, pro-growth talking points occupy the same space. If anything, the Trump tax cuts for the rich hindered economic growth.

This morning, Trump tweeted that he was going to protect our social safety nets, reversing what he said a few hours before.

Trump has done this over and over again when he discusses Social Security and Medicare. He claims there will be cuts to these programs and then comes back and says he’s protecting it.

Vox writes, “President Donald Trump posted a tweet on Saturday vowing, “We will not be touching your Social Security and Medicare in Fiscal 2021 Budget.” One day later, the Wall Street Journal published a report indicating that Trump is doing exactly that with his budget proposal.

As Amato observes:

One thing we are sure, Donald Trump cannot be trusted to protect and preserve Social Security and Medicare benefits for Americans.

By the way, Trump tweeted this morning that he is going to protect Social Security and Medicare.

You tell me how likely that is in a second term with an exploded deficit.

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