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The DOJ reflexively covers up everything

The dysfunction goes all the way down:

Since the new coronavirus began to spread, the judges union has been asking the Executive Office for Immigration Review, the part of DOJ that runs immigration courts, for additional word on how to handle the situation. But Tabaddor said the info thus far has been minimal and not tailored to the specific needs of immigration courts as public spaces that see large numbers of individuals from around the world. 

So the National Association of Immigration Judges took the matter into its own hands on Monday, encouraging its members to post flyers from the CDC that explained in both English and Spanish how to combat the spread of the coronavirus that causes the illness COVID-19. The posters encouraged people to stay home if sick and wash their hands frequently, among other advice. 

Spreading this type of information is vital during the outbreak, particularly in public spaces. So far, there have been more than 700 cases of the coronavirus in the U.S. Worldwide, there have been more than 115,000 cases reported and more than 4,000 deaths as a result of COVID-19. 

But later on Monday, Santoro notified court administrative staff that “judges do not have the authority to post, or ask you to post, signage for their individual courtrooms or the waiting areas,” the Miami Herald reported early Tuesday morning.

They backtracked later and said they could post the notices.

But think about this. These judges had been asking for guidance about how to handle all this for weeks and they couldn’t get it. The DOJ clearly didn’t want to warn the people who come into these courts about the dangers. Perhaps they thought that immigrants breathe different air than the good Trump voters who don’t deserve to die.

Most likely, it was another example of the Trump presidency being the most incompetent administration in history due to the demand that it spends all its time defending and appeasing the clueless, immature president who thinks running the most powerful country on earth is like shooting “The Apprentice.” They have all adapted to the idea that their job is pleasing President Trump not serving the country.

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