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They were warned

Bill Gates has been spending boatloads of money to fight disease here and around the world and he’s become an expert on pandemics.

Gates was on CNN last night. And he made it very clear that this outbreak can only be properly mitigated if the whole country shuts down for a period of 6 to 10 weeks, which will be the only way the economy recovers soonest possible as well as the health of the nation as a whole .

The “county” or “quadrant” plan Trump is pimping is self-evidently stupid. Gates explains why. If you missed it, it’s worthwhile to watch it. He comes at this from a slightly different angle than most of the experts because he has a different background so it’s a little bit more accessible:

*By the way, Gates was on SKYPE and it looked like he was in a normal TV studio and there was no sound delay. It stands to reason that he’d have the very best in internet technology but some important media figures and politicians who need to appear on TV from home should get on the horn with his techs and figure out how they can optimize their home studios.

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