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Maybe if those blue states were just a little bit nicer to you-know-who

Meanwhile, over on Fox they’re having a ball:

Pardoned felon D’Souza:

And also remember that a few weeks ago, Jennifer Rubin, the Never Trumper, and others were all putting out the idea that there was so much misinformation being put out by the president, and by Fox News, that we would see spreads of the coronavirus in the red states — Republicans would die. But in fact, interestingly, these spreads are mainly in the blue states.

And what I find kind of interesting is you have these blue state governors and mayors, and they are trying — they’re criticizing Trump, but they also have the outstretched hand. They want Trump to intervene. The same guy that they’ve been calling a racist and a fascist for four years, and now they want the racist and the fascist to step in and help them out. You’d think that if a racist and fascist was the guy they needed, they’d prefer to go it alone.

He seems nice.

I can’t imagine why anyone would think Trump and his Fox henchmen are fascists. It’s not as if they’re hinting that massive numbers of people in the country should die if they disagree with the president or anything. They would never do that …

Here are some highlights of today’s Coronavirus Campaign Rally:

There’s more, but I just don’t have any more energy to document it. I’m pretty sure that’s a feature not a bug of these odious daily rituals.

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