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Familiarity breeds contempt

Trump was bragging about his monster TV ratings the other day, obviously under the impression that everyone was just lovin’ his “performance.” I suspected at the time that he might rue the fact that so many people were seeing him in action.

The more people see of him, the more they realize just how deranged and incompetent he is:

Support for President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic has diminished over the past two weeks, according to a new survey, with a majority of Americans now disapproving of his response to the public health crisis.

An ABC News/Ipsos poll released Friday reports that 52 percent of respondents disapprove of his management of the deadly outbreak, while only 47 percent approve.

The president’s latest rating in the survey shows Trump’s support backsliding from the levels he achieved in mid-March, when more than half of Americans, 55 percent, approved of his response and 43 percent disapproved.

Since that previous iteration of the poll was published on March 20, the administration extended its social-distancing guidelines for another 30 days and worked to increase its testing capacity for the virus.

But Trump also drew significant criticism for his initial reluctance to invoke the Defense Production Act to furnish much-needed medical equipment for states, and was forced to abandon his proposal to reopen the economy by Easter, which contradicted the advice of public health experts.

At the same time, the administration has begun issuing more dire warnings regarding the severity of the outbreak, predicting that as many as 240,000 people could die even if Americans heed the federal government’s guidance, and the number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 has soared beyond 245,000.

Friday’s survey is the latest example of public polling to show support for the White House’s coronavirus response dwindling after Trump initially received higher marks for his efforts to stem the disease’s rapid spread.

Most people don’t pay the kind of attention to politics that people like you and I do. They may vote and they may give the stories of the day a cursory look but only we junkies have spent an inordinate amount of time watching this flaming freakshow of a president try to pretend he knows the first thing about the job on a daily basis.

He can’t fake it. And unless you’ve watched this closely, you probably believed that much of the criticism of him in the press and among Democrats was just politics. I can see how someone might think it’s very hard t believe anyone could be as bad as we say he is.

Now people’s lives have been personally impacted in a big way. And worse, for Trump, many of them are at home all day with the TV on watching this blazing dumpster fire and having the appalling realization that this guy is everything we said and more.

That poll only went through March 19th, by the way. His performance has only gotten worse since then.

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