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The Story We’re All Waiting For…And Need

Please Please – ABCDEVO

A story I want to see so badly my teeth hurt:

A majority of US governors called today for the entire Trump administration to resign immediately, citing its gross incompetence in the face of the pandemic and open corruption. “Just go, get outta here,” said Andrew Cuomo of New York, employing his thickest Queens accent. “You betcha,” echoed Minnesota governor Tim Walz, “Scat. And stat!” 

The governors proposed that Nancy Pelosi, in her role as interim President, appoint a Covid czar to supervise and coordinate a national response to the pandemic as well as a new cabinet to normalize the country’s frayed foreign relations. 

Pelosi, initially reluctant to endorse the governors’ proposal, was finally persuaded to support the plan when the governors agreed to go along with her efforts to recall every judge appointed to the federal judiciary since 2017, including Supreme Court nominations. 

Across the country, as word of the governors’ proposal spread, Americans flung open the windows of their homes and apartments and chanted at the top of their voices “Get out now! Get out now!” 

Because diners remained closed across the country, news reporters for the major media were unable to locate any white Americans prepared to go on record in defense of the Trump administration.

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